Thursday, September 16, 2010

World's Greatest

                R. Kelly’s 2002 release of World’s Greatest has always been inspiring to me. At my school it was our “senior song” and it represented us well. This song has always been on my playlist. It talks about how life is always going to be  hard but at some point you can say that you made it, and in that way I relate it to graduating high school and moving on to the nest chapter in my life, college. Even though I went through some very rough times in high school, I made it to college.  It also reminds me of my senior class. We were a very close class and we all made it together.
                The genre of World’s Greatest is R&B. The purpose of this song is to make people believe that no matter what you should be able to look back and think to yourself that no matter what you did in the past, you made it somewhere. I also believe that R. Kelly is trying to tell us to not let anyone bring you down and to stand with your head held high. I believe that the audience he was trying to reach was kids my age, around 18 or 19. It is a perfect song for those graduating at any level.  R. Kelly’s stance throughout the song is definitely a positive one.


  1. This is an enjoyable song.At my grammer school it was the some of the graduating classes song also!

  2. Really? :) Yeah I love this song!
