Wednesday, October 13, 2010


In some ways I can agree with this statement and in other ways I can disagree with this statement. I think that there are certain things on T.V. that children do not need to be watching. Children are so impressionable and what they watch could have a pretty big impact on how they act and how they think. For example MTV is not a good channel for a younger kid to be watching. There are things on that channel that kids do not to be aware of at a young age. There are also other channels that would just be damaging to a child and their learning. On the other hand there are shows on T.V. that are not harmful to children at all. Nickelodeon is a channel that would not be so harsh on a child’s learning and impression. There are some T.V. shows that get the children to interact and learn a little bit too. My little sister knew how to count to 10 in Spanish by the age of 7 just by watching Dora the Explorer. Television in general can harm someone if all they do or want to do is sit around and watch it. The children need to know when it is a good time to watch T.V. and when there are better things to do.

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