As a kid, halloween was always my favorite. What kid wouldn't love walking around and getting a bag full of candy? I loved dressing up for halloween too. Every single year my whole family would go out walking around my neighborhood for trick or treat. I remember the smell of halloween. It always smelled like leaves and the smell of all my candy combined. The smell of chocolate candy mixed with fruity candy. I remember picking out all the candy I didn't like and trading with my brother and sister. My mom used to not let us eat anything until she went through all of our candy, throwing away the pieces that were part way open or looked as if they had been messed with. She would never let us eat anything that was homemade, such as the homemade popcorn balls. I remember when I realized I was too old to go trick or treating so I would just walk around with my family and younger brother and sister. I miss those days. To this day I still love dressing up for halloween! I have done it every single year since I was tiny. Some of my favorite past time costumes were: a gypsy in kingergarden, a witch in 3rd grade, a baby in 5th grade, freshman year I was a rabbit, and last year I was mother nature. I think halloween is one reason why Fall is my favorite season.
are you a cop in this picture? you look cute. i would love to have your mother nature costume. i can't even imagine how she would dress. good blog.